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What do I spend my marketing budget on?

Spending your marketing budget wisely will help you accomplish your goals. The money you invest should help further your career. There is no one answer to how to spend your cash, but it is important to know what you want your money to do for you before you drop a ton of money on a flashy music video. Often, you’ll want to see what you can do for free before writing a check.

“Spend your marketing budget where you’ll get the biggest impact. Good marketing requires research, so figure out the best ways to reach your fans and spend your money there. Don’t get sucked into scams. Beware of paying upfront. Nothing is guaranteed. And experiment: if you see results, spend a little more. If you don’t, stop throwing good money after bad.”

—Mark Tavern, Music Industry Educator

“You really can do a lot more for free than you think you can, creating very eye-catching social media visuals. I would focus on the video part first, so people have a sense of your music and who you are past your music. You need a lot of money to make an impact with digital advertising, so focus on your socials and engaging with your fans on all platforms.

“Being strategic… I’m not against third-party playlisting, but there are plenty of playlists run by press outlets and other real curated playlists. People aren’t always willing to do the work: you can pitch yourself for articles, playlist yourself. Think about what you can do for free first, before spending money.”

—Liz Eason, Label Services, Vydia

“There’s no one-size approach. There might be an artist where the visual component really speaks and is a strong part of their brand. It might not be the worst idea to have a glossy video that might not have a ton of views, but could act as their EPK. It also never hurts to have a good-sounding song.”

—Michael Kolar, Engineer

“If there was money to spend, spend it wisely. Just because you have it doesn’t mean you have to spend it. I wouldn’t go overboard on a video, unless you’re super convinced of the vision. I would make three videos instead. Our favorite artists, it’s not just one song that made us love them. You’ve gotta be thinking about leading to something bigger, whether that’s an EP or an album. Any money spent should be thought of in this marketing cycle of releasing a project.”

—Karl Fricker, VP of A&R, RCA

“Invest in content, not just a music video. Social media advertising is a great way to branch out from the audience you’re already preaching to. I would think about hiring a low-level publicist to start being that advocate for you when talking to the blogs and be a voice for you.”

—Ryan Hobbs, Pandora

“Starting out, you don’t have a lot of money. Definitely do not spend money on a big video if you have no followers. Third-party playlists are helpful. A lot are scams, so definitely do your homework and be a nerd. You have to be, because this is your business. People don’t go and search for music—they click a playlist and let it rock. Knowing how the people stream will benefit you.”

—Samuel Cohen, Director of Artist Marketing, TenThousand Projects